To have a lawn that is the envy of your neighbors takes dedicated effort. You need to fertilize, give regular maintenance, mow properly and take care of any problems when they arise. Here are five things you can start doing now to improve your lawn. 1. Aerating Aerating is the process that allows air …
Category: Home Improvement
Sep 18
Three Home Repairs That Are Better Left To Experts
Home repairs are a constant necessity to keep systems safe and functionally efficiently. Many people are good at do-it-yourself projects, and the wide range of products available at home improvement stores make it easy to complete many repairs yourself. However, some home systems need professional servicing to ensure that they are done in a safe …
Aug 26
Handy Men Wanted: 5 Jobs to Get You Outside and Working With Your Hands
When you’re tired of the office grind, put on a pair of work boots and get outside. Working a job that requires stamina and dexterity is a great way to stay in shape and pay the bills. Take a look at a few outside jobs that will keep you moving mentally and physically all day …
Aug 16
Boring Room? Three Things That Will Give It Style
If you have a room in your home that has become just a bit too familiar and could benefit from a makeover, don’t despair. You don’t have to spend a fortune replacing furniture, carpeting and other furnishings just to liven things up. There are quick fixes and more modest but effective renovations that will give …
Aug 07
Five Tips For a Career In Logistics
One of the career fields that has seen recent growth has been the field of logistics. The movement of goods from Point A to Point B has many steps, and those who are able to successfully contribute to this process can have a good career ahead of them. Landing a great career in the field …
Jul 25
Five Things Every Handyman Needs
They say that a worker is only as good as his tools. While this is true, for the professional handyman there are other “tools” to keep in mind other than just hammers, nails, and pairs of pliers. And don’t forget the best tool of all: good customer service. Actual Tools Are Important None of this …
Jul 15
Five Best Paid Jobs in Real Estate
The real estate market finally rebounding from its catastrophic collapse of 2008, many people are looking to enter the real estate field with the hopes of high wages and a challenging career. There are many careers in real estate for people with all types of interests. Real Estate Agents The vast majority of people who …
Jun 24
Blue Collar Work: Seven industries We Still Need
Even with the accepted narrative that manufacturing in the United States is declining along with labor union membership, there are still several labor-intensive industries in the country that need to be filled. These labor jobs are hard to outsource or replace with mechanical technology and computers. Hence, not only are these labor jobs still around …
Jun 14
Six Tips for Preventing Disasters In Your Home
In the back of every homeowner’s mind, there is always the thought that a disaster could happen. Though every homeowner thinks about this occasionally, many never take the steps necessary to prevent disasters in their homes. If you are in this group, then follow these six tips for preventing disasters in your home. 1. …
May 07
Simple tricks to beautify home garden
Are you looking for ways to beautify your garden? Here are few easy tips A garden can never look pretty without the right type of flowers. You can choose flowers according to the theme. For instance, with a Victorian theme choose flowers which where famous during that time. Flowers that look good in garden …