Five Careers that Provide Peace of Mind

While some careers are only chosen because someone needs a job or is looking for a good way to make a living, others actually provide peace of mind and reassurance to people. It’s a good feeling to be in a line of work that helps customers or clients. The following are careers that fit this …

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5 Ways to Jump Start Your New Job Search

Many people get down on themselves and start to waste time after losing a good job. It can be hard to get back on your feet after losing a job that you have held for a good period of time, but the fact of the matter is that you need to be proactive and get …

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4 Hazardous Careers You Should Think Twice Before Undertaking

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions of your life. You need to make a living in order to support yourself and your family, so you need to make sure you are employed. Some occupations are safe, and some occupations can be very dangerous. Before you should a career, here are four …

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Three Jobs that Keep You on the Move

With the increase in the amount of people with access to vehicles these days, many individuals are finding themselves moving around the city as they meet with all of their clients or customers. Whether you are in a management position or you work in the field, it is likely that you are going to be …

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Blue Collar Work: Seven industries We Still Need

Even with the accepted narrative that manufacturing in the United States is declining along with labor union membership, there are still several labor-intensive industries in the country that need to be filled. These labor jobs are hard to outsource or replace with mechanical technology and computers. Hence, not only are these labor jobs still around …

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In Between Jobs? What to do with Your Equipment

Sometimes there are gaps in between jobs for skilled workers. As a painter, a painter may work continuously for two months then be without a job assignment for several weeks. During the time without a job assignment, workers need to store their equipment for reasons such as protection from weather damage, protection from thieves, easy …

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Six Tips for Preventing Disasters In Your Home

In the back of every homeowner’s mind, there is always the thought that a disaster could happen. Though every homeowner thinks about this occasionally, many never take the steps necessary to prevent disasters in their homes. If you are in this group, then follow these six tips for preventing disasters in your home.   1. …

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Five Unexpected Careers That Make Big Bucks

Everyone is naturally equipped with a specific talent in which they enjoy and are good at doing. Unfortunately, these gifts are often utilized as hobbies. Many find it difficult to make a living doing what they love. However, there are five unexpected careers that make big bucks.   1. Helping the Community   Many people …

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Four Ways a Business Degree is Essential in the Modern Workplace

There are very few types of workplaces in this day and age that do not function as a business in some form or fashion. Almost every workplace revolves around customer relationship. That doesn’t necessarily mean with the public. Even if a business functions as a supplier or go-between, it still functions on a business model. …

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Hurt On The Job? Three Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do

If you’ve been hurt during a work-related incident, then you may need professional assistance. Employers want to protect their company and their assets, and unfortunately, this does not always extend to their employees. You’ve probably seen dozens of personal injury commercials where lawyers promise guaranteed results. In reality, personal injury is a complex process that …

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